Tuesday, November 4, 2014

List Your Yacht Today at Yacht Tech!

Are you interested in listing your Nordhavn Yacht for sale or rent? If so, then contact Yacht Tech, brought to you by James Knight & Associates. We specialize in buying, selling and operating Nordhavn Yachts. Our extensive service department has been serving the Nordhavn community for many years.

Here at Yacht Tech, we are knowledgeable about our product. Nordhavn Yachts is a company that we know and love, and being out on the open sea is our shared passion with you and your family! List your yacht with us today, and we will put your yacht on the right market. Our customer base is loyal, and we have many resources to help you sell your yacht.

We are known for our incredible sales team, and your Nordhavn will be right at home at Yacht Tech. We will get to know your vessel inside and out, and make sure to provide potential buyers with all of the information they need to “fall in love” with your beloved Nordhavn.

Come in to visit our happy family of Nordhavn owners at Yacht Tech Sales! 561-776-5848. http://nordhavnonly.com/

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